“The number of children and grandchildren with cancer in their bones, with leukemia in their blood, or with poison in their lungs might seem statistically small to some, in comparison with natural health hazards. But this is not a natural health hazard—and it is not a statistical issue. The loss of even one human life, or the malformation of even one baby—who may be born long after we are gone—should be of concern to us all. Our children and grandchildren are not merely statistics toward which we can be indifferent.”

John F. Kennedy, July 26th, 1963

Monday, December 30, 2013

Steam coming from Fukushima Unit 3 reactor building — Observed multiple times this week

Below is an article from the ENE News website which relates information on the TEPCO site in Japanese. My super thanks to them for this translation. I have reposted the entire article here because this is really bad news. Reactor 3 had a significant explosion and it has been conjectured that the major explosion, attributed to hydrogen gas, was in fact a major criticality which resulted in a nuclear explosion. This may be the source of the melted core material that was obviously blown into the vent tower making it deadly to approach. If steam is rising from the reactor still it means the corium is definitely not in a cool state almost three years post disaster. This steam is not benign. It  contains all sorts of radioactive elements and potentially noble gases. These will rise and drift with the winds. They may not rise up to the level of the jet stream and be carried across the ocean but they will continue to pollute the land and waters nearby, including the Pacific Ocean. This steam vapor will attach to clouds and rain into the Pacific and into the rivers and streams. It still befuddles and sickens me how most do not want to think about this issue. Most of my posts are reprints of snippets from articles with links because I am trying to keep my voice out as much as possible. I am not a nuclear scientist and until I became aware the Fukushima was a threat to our planet I knew little about radiation. I have been on a learning quest ever since.  In the last few months there are more than 350 reports. This issue is very real and we must begin to act more.  


Tepco (translation), Dec. 27, 2013: At around 7:00 am on December 27, and confirmed by the camera that from Unit 3 reactor building, 5th floor near the center, steam is generated. Have not been identified abnormal plant conditions of 54 minutes at 7:00 am the same day, the indicated value of the monitoring post (meteorological data of 50 minutes at 7:00 am, 5.1 ℃ temperature, 93.1% humidity).
SOURCE: Tepco (July 24, 2013)
Tepco (translation), Dec. 25, 2013: At around 7:00 am on December 25, and confirmed by the camera that from Unit 3 reactor building, 5th floor near the center, steam is generated. Have not been identified abnormal plant conditions of 8:00 am the same day time, the indicated value of the monitoring post (meteorological data of 50 minutes at 7:00 am, 2.8 ℃ temperature, 76.7% humidity).
Tepco (translation), Dec. 24, 2013: At around 7:00 am on December 19, and confirmed by the camera that from Unit 3 reactor building, 5th floor near the center, steam is generated. Have not been identified abnormal plant conditions of 55 minutes at 7:00 am the same day, the indicated value of the monitoring post (meteorological data of 40 minutes at 7:00 am, 5.6 ℃ temperature, 93.7% humidity). Then, in 58 minutes around 7:00 am December 24, steam is no longer observed. It should be noted, have not been identified abnormal plant conditions in a 3-minute time at 8:00 am the same day, the indicated value monitoring posts, etc. (meteorological data of 50 minutes at 7:00 am, 4.1 ℃ temperature, 74.9% humidity).

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