“The number of children and grandchildren with cancer in their bones, with leukemia in their blood, or with poison in their lungs might seem statistically small to some, in comparison with natural health hazards. But this is not a natural health hazard—and it is not a statistical issue. The loss of even one human life, or the malformation of even one baby—who may be born long after we are gone—should be of concern to us all. Our children and grandchildren are not merely statistics toward which we can be indifferent.”

John F. Kennedy, July 26th, 1963

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Fukushima: „Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die Rettung gelingt, geht gegen Null“

Fukushima: "The probability that the rescue is possible goes to zero"


The German physicist Sebastian Pflugbeil considers the situation in Fukushima for extremely critical. Pflugbeil told the German Economic News: "Humanity could to salvage at failure of attempts to make the used fuel elements of the Fukushima nuclear power plant, are damaged in an unprecedented way by blasting." Although Pflugbeil does not believe that the human race by another disaster in Fukushima is extinguished: "Humanity is very sturdy!" But he is very pessimistic about the possibilities that the situation can still be brought under control.
Pflugbeil the situation in Fukushima:
"The situation is becoming increasingly critical due to the decay of the ruins. The fuel rods are not safe. The reactor blocks from bag. Thousands of tons of contaminated water are discharged into the sea. The substrate on which the reactor rests, is no longer resilient - he swims . It has all been shifted so that there is about one meter height difference from one corner to the other. The resulting induced voltages have already led to alarming cracks in the building structure. "
"If the fuel rods are not cooled, then it will be a disaster. Then huge amounts of radioactivity released. As a crack extends into the pelvis and the cooling water is running out. The fuel rods would ignite . The fuel rod cladding are made ​​of zirconium. If the burn, you can not get it under control. The shells break on then.Then flows radioactivity on a large scale from - gaseous, volatile, medium volatile.Also, the fuel in the other blocks of the nuclear power plant are then destroyed in the foreseeable future, because staff have to leave the area due to the extreme radiation exposure immediately. It requires only a small earthquake shock or a storm, or simply the failure of building structures in order to set this disaster in motion. "
"The Japanese will first extract the 1,300 fuel assemblies in the Unit 4 individually.Although only a single break, the workers have to go. This is an extremely complicated and lengthy process. How difficult is you have seen on a test that have made ​​a still unused fuel the Japanese. The have guided her hand while pulling out.Hand! The active fuel rods can not handle with one hand, that would be fatal. The probability that the rescue succeeds, is almost zero. "
Sebastian Pflugbeil ". This will make the entire Pacific and the living of it's population" (Photo: Flickr / IPPNW Germany)
"The danger posed by the old fuel is gigantic. In all the experts agree on. When it comes to this worst-case scenario, large areas have to be evacuated. If the wind is blowing in the direction of Tokyo, would havecompletely evacuated Tokyo are. But we can not.The consequences would not only Japan but also the entire northern hemisphere concern . Because the air currents run along the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere reasonably separated.Chernobyl was at least away more than 1,000 km.The competent experts and politicians have then assured that we would have no fear of damage to health in Germany. There were different: more disabled children were born, the infant mortality rate rose, Down syndrome and leukemia in children increased.Other consequences were even more dramatic: In Western Europe, the Chernobyl region and the southern states of the Soviet Union about a million girls were not born because of the Chernobyl disaster.The number of victims in Western Europe alone is demonstrably in the hundreds of thousands .There is strong evidence that we experience it all after the disaster in Fukushima again. In addition, the contamination of the Pacific, in the complicated and long-lasting food chains run that play an important role in human nutrition. This will make the entire Pacific and the living of it's population. "
"The Japanese have been educated for centuries to an extremely customized behavior. They have been repeatedly drilled out that they have to behave like the others, that criticism of superiors in politics is indecent. The social pressure on individuals is enormous. They may not admit that they are afraid. Beneath the blanket of course they are terrified . But they may not show it. I have been repeatedly reported that someone who needs to go to the doctor for another illness in its environment it tells nothing. He was afraid that you would think he would go to the doctor because of Fukushima. But this is not desirable. "
"In Fukushima, get kids in the canteens of schools still have the food from the region. Now, when a child takes his packed lunch from home because his parentsworried, then the child is quoted forward. It is alleged, because it is not patrioticacts. This reminds me very much of the time in East Germany after Chernobyl: The children whose parents knew about it, have not been drinking their milk at school.Then these parents found themselves in trouble at their work places. Parents were asked what nonsense they tell because her children. "
"It is incredible that the Japanese government has cause to be deleted, without the international community to ask for help more than two years into the country. It's not the case that you systematically step by step brings the defective system in order. There are many companies on site, everyone wants to do anything - butthere is no general plan of how the problem should be solved. Until recently, the Japanese have not even had instruments with which they were able to measure the radiation of the highly contaminated liquids that are kept poorly in large tanks on the grounds of the nuclear power plant. This means that all workers who had to do with a lot of exposed to high levels of radiation have been. "
"The bodies of the UN, IAEA and WHO, which should be for there actually to protect the people who are almost exclusively in the service of the atomic industry. The people in the authorities come from uranium mining, nuclear power operators, from the nuclear industry or nuclear medicine. There are very few independent people in these bodies. The UN will soon release a report is the responsibility of the United Nations Scientific Committee on Atomic Radiation UNSCEAR the action: The report is a smooth scheme of lies. He is the totally trivialize the situation in Fukushima .He will pretend that everything was under control and there would be no radiation damage in the population. We know the corresponding estimates of the consequences of Chernobyl. In Japan, it is unfortunately also the custom thatpoliticians , when they leave office, a well-paid jobs in the nuclear industry get where they do not need to work. These items they do not want to jeopardize.Therefore, they do not dare to tell the truth.
"There are only a handful of experts who really have expertise in this problem. These people behave quite calm now and ducking away to. They pray that the world with a black eye comes from. No rips about to go to Fukushima and help. For all to know: This work is life-threatening and success is more than questionable.

Pflugbeil to the dangers:
To the rescue plan of the Japanese:
Sebastian Pflugbeil ". This will make the entire Pacific and the living of it's population" (Photo: Flickr / IPPNW Germany)
Pflugbeil on the consequences:
Pflugbeil lethargy of many Japanese:
For the denial of reality:
At the recent "rescue":
About the international nuclear authorities:
About the fear of international experts to help in Fukushima: 
Sebastian Pflugbeil will travel to Japan on Thursday. After a congress he will ride in the Fukushima Prefecture. He wants to get an idea of ​​the situation. He will try to come in spite of the active obstruction by the operators and the government of information, such as the situation really is.
Dr. rer. nat. Sebastian Pflugbeil is president of the German Society for Radiation Protection Pflugbeil worked until the turn of a medical physicist at the National Institute for Cardiovascular Research of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR in Berlin-Buch and dealt volunteer with problems of nuclear energy recovery, in particular the effects of radiation in the uranium mines of bismuth. He was co-founder of the East German citizens' movement New Forum and represented this as a speaker at Berlin and at the Central Round Table. In 1990 he was Minister without Portfolio in the transitional government under Hans Modrow. In this role, he campaigned for the immediate decommissioning of the nuclear reactors in the GDR.After that, he was deputy to 1995 in the Berlin Parliament. In 2012 he received the Nuclear-Free Future Award for his life's work.
Article in the German economics paper ‘Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten’ on Oct. 9, 2013translated by pixigirlFukushima – German physicist: “The probability that the rescue succeeds goes to zero” [...] The German physicistSebastian Pfugbeil [President of the German Society for Radiological Protection] is extremely pessimistic that an elementary Fukushima disaster can be averted. The consequences would be felt over the entire northern hemisphere. [...] Pflugbeil explains the situation in Fukushima: “The situation is becoming increasingly critical due to the decay of the buildings. The fuel rods have not been brought to safety. The reactor blocks are sinking. The ground on which the reactor sits can no longer bear any weight…It is floating. There has been such dramatic shifts that there are 1 meter height differences between one corner to the other which have caused massive cracks in the building structure resulting in alarming cracks in the building foundation and soundness.” [...] It requires only a small earthquake or a storm surge or simply the failure of building structures to set this disaster in motion.” [...]

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